Albert Bikaj
Balkans Representative
Albert Bikaj is a political scientist, historian, translator, co-founder and editor-in-chief of the cultural magazine Kallnori. He is mostly known for the essay “The Issue with Neoliberalism: a traditional conservative and Catholic critique”. Albert has contributed to the Research Institute for Politics and Government at NUPS (Hungary), The Mallard (UK), The Burkean and Catholic Arena (Ireland). His work has also been translated and published in the prestigious Albanian magazines as Politiko, Syri, Gazeta 55, and the Catholic magazine Drita in Kosovo. Albert has been published in Italian and French, as well. He studied International Relations and Diplomacy at the University of Donja Gorica (Montenegro), and graduated in Medieval Studies at the University of Zagreb (Croatia). Recently he has translated to Albanian Sir Roger Scruton’s “England and the Need for Nations”.